Monday, December 22, 2008

Um, yes LoLo there COULD be a Santa Claus

Okay, so the saga continues. LoLos teacher told me that he had been upsetting the other children, telling them there is no Santa. Xassar has been feeling awful about the magic being gone for him. Then today, Xassar was answering Santa questions for Lundie. Xassar thought "here I am, lying to Lundie, right in front of LoLo!" Which defeated the whole purpose of telling him the truth in the first place! So he decided to backtrack and bring back the magic, by not LYING, but telling him his childhood experiences. And how when he was growing up, they received presents from someone they didn't know. (They were really poor, so people were always giving them gifts.) Xassar said "maybe those gifts WERE from Santa!" I told LoLo about a Mickey Mouse House I got one year that was supposed to be from Santa. He told LoLo that actually, Santa is real for children. Parents don't play with toys, so he isn't real for us. Xassar suggested that we put out a camera and try to catch Santa on Christmas Eve. LoLo got really excited about that. Xassar told LoLo that he neeeded to find out for himself if Santa was real. So we figured we can still tell some truth AND keep the magic. So, thanks to Liz for this link We are definitely doing this!!


Alisa said...

Oh, isn't Santa such a touchie subject? And Logan is so young to not believe! But you and John are doing a great job handling it - and keeping the Santa's spirit alive with Londyn.

Suggestion? You may want to think about changing your post font to white - much easier to read that way!

Alisa said...

Much better M!!!
